Snapchat Stories and Northeastern's #nuexperience around the globe
JUNE 21, 2018
An award winning example of using Snapchat stories combined with a microsite to show the global reach of Northeastern students
JUNE 21, 2018
An award winning example of using Snapchat stories combined with a microsite to show the global reach of Northeastern students
The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 19, 2018
CALLING ALL WRITERS! The Student Affairs Collective is looking for excited, passionate people to join our writing team! Ever thought about writing about student affairs and higher education? This is your chance! . Requirements. Do you work in or have experience working in student affairs and higher education? Do you have good writing, editing, and proofreading skills?
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The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 14, 2018
“Success lies in absorbing negative feedback and making the best use of it” ~ Osama Sarwar. As a supervisor of student employees, an important aspect of your role is to prepare them for their next job. This process includes providing feedback. To aid in this practice, I recommend incorporating feedback from students’ coworkers. In most situations, coworkers can provide more insightful and specific feedback.
JUNE 13, 2018
Now we are trying to get as many different types of content out of the one story, team video skills are becoming critical.
The article addresses the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. It elucidates the SMC background, key assumptions, and the main pillars of the model to form a a change agent who could be helpful with institutional in-service delivery.
The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 11, 2018
Your social media timelines are most likely full of decorated mortar boards, tassels, gowns– heartfelt posts of what it means to be a graduate of their respective institution and more. Yes, folks, graduation season is among us. Speaking from experience, the feeling of submitting that final assignment that concludes one’s undergraduate/graduate career is indescribable.
JUNE 6, 2018
Despite all the rocky patches in our relationship, it’s a steadfast and solid platform that has always been there for us.
University Leadership Central brings together the best content for university leaders and administrators from the widest variety of thought leaders.
The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 1, 2018
As the academic year draws to a close, thousands of students across the country are celebrating commencement, including higher education and student affairs graduate students. As our newest colleagues prepare to leave graduate school and move on to the next phase of their lives, we wanted to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our #SAGrad students.
The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 21, 2018
If you are reading this, there are a few scenarios you might be experiencing: Scenario 1: You are experiencing a significant change at your institution/within your team; so a well-founded, long-term plan is needed to move forward with confidence and clarity. Scenario 2: Your team/stakeholders identified assessment as a necessity to understand the impact of your work, for clearer decision-making.
The Student Affairs Collective
JUNE 7, 2018
As I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed the other day, I came across a Business Insider article that had the following title: “Jeff Bezos says his advice to Amazon interns and execs is to stop aiming for work-life ‘balance’ — here’s what you should strive for instead” [ Article Link ]. In short, Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos believes that work and life should not be this balancing act of leading very separate lives.
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