Social Media Tips for the Job Market
The Academic Designer
MAY 22, 2020
Check out my top tips for your social media profiles when you're on the job market. I go in-depth into LinkedIn and Twitter for jobseekers.
The Academic Designer
MAY 22, 2020
Check out my top tips for your social media profiles when you're on the job market. I go in-depth into LinkedIn and Twitter for jobseekers.
The Student Affairs Collective
MAY 21, 2020
The higher education field is experiencing uncertainty. Many institutions have already implemented hiring freezes, furloughs, and professional development fund decreases. It is normal to feel a sense of career anxiety when you hear about what maybe to come for higher education. While you may not currently have the ability to be fully productive in your position, it is possible to use the extra time you have to increase your career productivity by following these tips: Become more active in profe
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The Change Leader, Inc.
MAY 20, 2020
In this post, Innovating Higher Ed: Don’t Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste, you'll gain insights into ways the coronavirus is forcing higher education institutions to change in uncomfortable ways. But like any holistic change, this situation also is offering unintended consequences, both positive developments (blessings) and troubling realizations (curses).
Jon Boeckenstedt
MAY 22, 2020
Now that California has put the ACT and SAT in the ICU, I suspect there will be many meetings in the coming weeks about how the companies remain viable going forward. The COVID-19 pandemic had already struck a body blow, of course, and there have been suggestions that the companies will have to dramatically restructure […].
The article addresses the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. It elucidates the SMC background, key assumptions, and the main pillars of the model to form a a change agent who could be helpful with institutional in-service delivery.
The Change Leader, Inc.
MAY 19, 2020
In this podcast, Raising Money for Universities during COVID with Scott Roberts, Tim Hill, and Dr. Drumm McNaughton you'll hear why higher education fundraising is even more critical as colleges and universities navigate the unexpected and unpredictable financial situation caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic. During a time marked by physical separation, institutions and their development offices need to find creative ways to stay in touch with donors and potential donors while also having co
The Change Leader, Inc.
MAY 19, 2020
Driving Innovation in Colleges and Universities podcast with Dr. Drumm McNaughton and Julie Lenzer | Changing Higher Ed podcast episode 044 gives insights for ways in which higher education will need to increasingly focus on innovation in both how it operates and how it educates students in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the resultant recession.
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