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Connect through Direct Messaging on Social Media

The Academic Designer

Direct messages are a great way to have conversations. And that means they're my favorite way to network. Echo Rivera, PhD and I talk direct messages and social media for networking as introverts.

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The Future of Live Events in Higher Ed


This year has been much different than we all expected. Obviously. Sorry for the hyperbole, but it’s true, especially when it comes to hosting events in higher ed. We all saw our large planned events like admitted student open houses, commencement, alumni reunions, lectures and more postponed, done on Zoom, or cancelled. I have sat through many Zoom events this spring and summer as the parent of an incoming freshman college student.

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Knowledge Management: an expanded role for higher ed in a changing world

Changing Higher Education

In a post back in 2006 entitled What business are we in? , I suggested that a broader definition of the business of higher education might be Knowledge Management. At the time, the pieces were not in place to envisage how such a definition might usefully extend the roles of the university. Some key pieces now seem to be in place. Lifelong post- baccalaureate learning has become a career necessity for an ever-increasing number of workers; employers are struggling to hire and retain employees with

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2020: A Year of Crises and Opportunities in Higher Education

The Change Leader, Inc.

The year 2020 has been a year of crises and opportunities in higher education. The year’s challenges have given higher ed institutions a chance to practice change management, as well as necessitated a sustained focus to build leadership capacity for higher ed and more targeted higher ed branding.

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Navigating Higher Ed’s Tech & Budget Crunch: Yes, You Can Survive

As Higher Ed institutions continue struggling with budget constraints and enrollment pressures, making smart decisions about technology is crucial. How do institutions enhance data security, optimize their tech stack and engage students effectively…all while managing limited resources? Bret Ingerman, former Vice President for Information Technology at Tallahassee State College, digs into these conundrums, exploring how Pathify offers solutions to enhance student engagement while giving instituti

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School of Languages and Literatures Festive Poem!


by Professor Rosario Gomez. ‘Twas the week before Christmas in the tower of MacKinnon, Not a creature was stirring, not even Dean Brennan For months no one came in, twas the worst of pandemics 2020 was a bad year, especially, for academics. We pedagogues were nestled, all snug in our homes, With visions of office shelves, with still unread tomes. And all in our pjs, attended zoom meetings Looking to stop, the students from quitting.

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Save the date: our survey results coming soon


We are very excited to announce our 2020 survey results will be published on January 12th, 2021.


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How to Support Professors Who Are Parents

Rena Seltzer, Leader Academic

Even as we hear good news about a vaccine on the horizon, Covid-19 cases are surging across North America and Europe. Although no one is spared from pandemic-related stress, many of the parents with whom I work are at their wits’ end as they struggle to keep up with homeschool and childcare at the same time as juggling all other aspects of an academic career.

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Is your college financially healthy?

College Viability

College 52
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Adult learner organizational benchmarks


Use the industry-wide data and resources below to inform your graduate, online, and adult degree completer growth strategy. Data shown on this page is drawn from EAB’s Organizational Benchmarking Survey. The survey collects over 80 different data points from nearly 300 institutions on academic governance, portfolio composition, and revenue outcomes for professional, continuing, and online education divisions.

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How Many Pundits Can Dance on The Grave of a College?

Jon Boeckenstedt

I remember an early 1990’s encounter with a university president who had an interesting take on higher education: He pointed out that there are really only a few institutions that have existed largely in their current form since the latter part of the Middle Ages: Some German breweries, The Catholic Church, and Higher Education. I […].

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Understanding the Social Change Model of Leadership (SCM): Igniting Students’ Academic Development P

The article addresses the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. It elucidates the SMC background, key assumptions, and the main pillars of the model to form a a change agent who could be helpful with institutional in-service delivery.

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5 Ways to Showcase Your Teaching Online

The Academic Designer

From celebrating your teaching on social media to updating your LinkedIn profile. Here are 5 ways to let people know about your teaching online.

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Backup Series: Where Should I Store My Backups?


It’s time for the third and final post in our series on website backups. If you’re just jumping in now, take a few minutes to review part one here and part two here. So far, we’ve talked why you need to be backing up your website, and not relying on your web host or server provider. Second, we’ve talked about how often you should be backing up your site.

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Getting Through This Together, As We Always Have

The Student Affairs Collective

I was quite surprised. On March 15 th , I came across a post on the Facebook from one of the Assistant Vice Chancellors of Student Affairs at my university, UC Santa Barbara. Her posts are usually so upbeat, but she had re-posted a quote that said “Want to know what it’s like being a student affairs professional during this coronavirus pandemic? Remember when the Titanic was sinking and the band continued to play?

Deans 52
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Strategic Board Leadership Creates New University Governance Paradigmwith Dr. Drumm McNaughton and Henry Stoever | Changing Higher Ed Podcast 066

The Change Leader, Inc.

Strategic board leadership is an emerging paradigm of university governance that can help higher education institutions navigate multiple challenges. This podcast features Dr. Drumm McNaughton and Henry Stoever, president of AGB. Changing Paradigm of University Governance Typically, higher education boards are made up of individuals who are appointed as trustees because they have made significant philanthropic contributions, either to the institution or, in the case of public universities, to a

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Are we there yet? :)


We’re in the middle of week 8 of fall term and there’s just another month of classes to go. I don’t know about you, but my sense of time isn’t doing so well during the pandemic. I think it’s got something to do with not leaving the house! Some days it feels, with my graduate seminar, that term has just flown by–how can it be week 8 already?

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What we learned from the 2020 Heist Awards


The Heist Awards, is a staple in the education marketing calendar, celebrating brilliance and innovation across the sector.

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More Than Ever, Retention Is the Name of the Game: How to Keep Your Current Students

Austin Williams

In the college marketing landscape, student retention has long played second fiddle to new enrollment. Not anymore. In the face of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever for colleges to not only attract new students—but to also retain existing ones. And it won’t be easy: 62 percent of parents say they’re anxious about sending their kids back to college and 52 percent of students believe going back to school in the fall is a bad idea, so retention is more crucial than ever.

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Reflections on Anti-Racism

Rena Seltzer, Leader Academic

Ijeoma Oluo, author of the NYT bestseller So You Want to Talk About Race , tells us, “The beauty of anti-racism is that you don’t have to pretend to be free of racism to be an anti-racist. Anti-racism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including in yourself.” Robin DiAngelo, author of White Fragility reminds white people that to avoid re-wounding people who have already been harmed by racism, white people need to start by doing anti-racism work on ourselves and among each ot

Equity 52
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Is your college popular with the students it admits?

College Viability

A nerdy term used in higher education is 'admissions yield'. It effectively shows how popular a college is with students who are accepted into that college. A higher admissions yield can indicate a college is more popu.

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NEW FREE Fourth Edition of the “Developing a Co-Curricular Learning Model” Book on Residential Curriculum and Curricular Approaches:

Paul Gordon Brown

I’m excited to release the new fourth edition of my eBook on residential curriculum and curricular approaches, sponsored by Roompact. The content is expanded from the third edition and now includes more visuals and worksheets. It is also now designed in an 8.5 x 11 format. This should make it easier to print, if you wish! As before, it remains freely available for you to download and use.

Model 52
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Congratulations. You’re Test-optional. Now What?

Jon Boeckenstedt

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we were experiencing a wave of colleges and universities going test-optional for freshman admission. And with societal change in California, and all the Ivy League institutions deciding they can make admissions decisions without the benefit of an SAT or ACT score (at least for one year), the wave has […].

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How To Make An Academic Website

The Academic Designer

This step-by-step guide teaches you how to create an academic personal website. From content creation to launch, this guide is the how-to you need.

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Backup Series: How Often Should You Backup Your Website?


Welcome back. In part one of this series , we talked about why you should backup your WordPress site, and explored a few of the plugins that are available to make backing up your site easy and painless. In this post, we’ll explore how to find a backup schedule that works for your site, content, and posting schedule. It’s important to come up with a schedule for your backups.

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Student Activities Without the Students: One Practitioner’s Account of Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19

The Student Affairs Collective

Student Activities Without the Students: One Practitioner’s Account of Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19 . For several weeks, there was persistent chatter. Rumblings, guesses, and questions asked among my co-workers and colleagues across the country. How would COVID-19 affect our universities, our students, our jobs? Not to mention our health.

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Anticipating Significant Changes to Higher Education Policywith Host Dr. Drumm McNaughton and Guest Mike Goldstein | Changing Higher Ed Podcast 065

The Change Leader, Inc.

There are two components of this: one where agreement may be found, and one where there will be disagreement. The first is the general acceptance that education—and especially higher education--has to be faster, better and less expensive. However, the second, that higher education needs to be more accessible to people.

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Without Better Postsecondary Data, We’re Leaving Stakeholders in the Dark


by: Kim Dancy, Amanda Janice Roberson. This post also appears in the Today’s Students Coalition blog series. When exploring new territory, it’s wise to have a flashlight to illuminate areas that aren’t e asily visible. The COVID-19 pandemic, which has upended nearly every aspect of our nation’s well-being and profoundly disrupted the higher education experiences of nearly 20 million students, put higher education in uncharted territory.

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6 ways to motivate and support your student social media ambassadors


At a time when new and prospective students are navigating unprecedented change, the role of the student ambassador has never been more important.

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5 Crucial Questions Digital Marketers Should Be Asking Themselves Now

Austin Williams

The COVID-19 pandemic has left marketers stumped. This is an unprecedented situation—we can’t consult digital marketing case studies that were conducted during global pandemics for data and guidance because there are none. . Businesses are left wondering how they should market themselves ( if at all ). While in most cases that answer is yes they should market themselves, there are some follow-up questions you should ask yourself to ensure your digital marketing strategy is still as solid as befo

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New Offerings for Deans and Associate Deans – Starting in Late September

Rena Seltzer, Leader Academic

I am pleased to announce two new offerings, the Deans Roundtable and the Associate Deans Roundtable. Please help to spread the word by sharing this announcement on social media or with colleagues who could benefit. Registration is now open with a discount for registration by September 8. . Deans Roundtable. A university deanship requires a complex set of competencies even in “normal times.

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Facts - Weak Connecticut private colleges: FTE Enrollment

College Viability

We sorted this screen shot from the College Viability App by decreasing FTE enrollment for private Connecticut colleges. The time frame is the IPEDS fiscal years 2013-2018.

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Things to Remember When Embarking on Your Journey to a Residential Curriculum or Curricular Approach

Paul Gordon Brown

As you embark on developing a curricular approach for your division or your department there are a few key concepts that you should keep in mind. Think of these as a set of reminders and guiding principles. They represent the core of the philosophy behind the curricular approach. Curricular approaches are focused on learning. One thing curricular approaches always come back to is learning.

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NACAC and Standardized Testing

Jon Boeckenstedt

I’ve been a member of NACAC for a long time, and even though I’m from Iowa, my most frequent observations about the organization’s limitations have centered on its propensity to avoid confrontation. It was usually more Iowa-nice than even I could handle. Of course, I can only imagine how hard it must be to run […].

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Is Social Media Consuming Your Life? Let’s Talk About Digital Wellbeing

The Academic Designer

Do you feel like social media is consuming your life? Hear from academics like you. And, get tips to spend less time on social media.

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Backup Series: Why, How, and Where to Store Your WordPress Backups


In the past, I’ve written extensively about improving the performance of your WordPress site. That’s very important work you can do, as speed matters. But what happens if something happens to your site? What if you’re hacked, or the hard drive on your server dies? These are all common events that could leave you high and dry with all your website content gone.

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Character During the Coronavirus

The Student Affairs Collective

I am writing to process this pandemic and share my story in an effort to contribute to the selfless community of student affairs practitioners. “What should I be doing?” “What can I do?” “How do I help?” “Am I the only one who feels lost?” “Am I essential during a time like this?” “What exactly is this time that we’re in?” These are a handful of the questions that rang through me during the first few days of realizing that the coronavirus was in fact more serious than a handful of people having